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2024-2025 TAVAC Board Nominations

Please consider serving as an officer with TAVAC.  Nominations for a position on the TAVAC Executive Board will be accepted until April 30, 2024.  Voting will occur during the Annual TAVAC Conference July 15 – July 18, 2024.  All officers shall be employed as a VAC or TEA certified professional serving in the vocational transition for special needs students, and shall have been a current member in good standing for the preceding two consecutive years.  If elected, you will take office at the Annual TAVAC Summer Conference. Serving as an officer for TAVAC does require a time commitment but it is well worth the effort to be able to work with a great group of educators in service to the organization. Nominations are currently being accepted for the offices of 1st Vice President, Secretary, and special election for Treasurer. The even numbered regional representatives (1, 2, 4, 6 and 8) will be nominated and elected at the Regional meetings during the Conference.



  • President: The President serves as the chief executive officer of the organization. Presides at all meetings and acts as chair of the Executive Board. Issues the call for regular meetings of the Executive Board. Appoints standing, administrative, and special committees. Oversees that committee’s function and cooperates with the committee chair. Calls for regular committee reports.  Sees that regular elections are held in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws and cooperate with and maintain an active relationship with each Regional chapter.


  • Second Vice-President: The duties of the  Second Vice-President is to serve as the Election Chair and Fundraising Chair, organize fundraising efforts such as the silent auction and sponsorships as well as oversee the verification and issuing of VAC certificates. 


  • Treasurer : The duties of the Treasurer, under supervision and direction of the President, are to receive membership dues and disburse membership information to the secretary and editor. Write checks, promptly deposits monies, and oversees the collection of all monies due to the organization and makes proper receipt thereof. Keeps organization's accounts and a detailed record of organization's receipt and disbursements. Issues a quarterly report to the executive board to be published in the newsletter (provides updated financial statement). Makes all financial reports required by TAVAC. Chairs the Budget Committee. Submits annual financial data to the audit committee for review at the second board meeting.



  • Editor: The duties of the Editor are to publish and distribute the quarterly newsletter and provide an updated copy to the Tech Liaison to post on the website. Annually maintain and submit TAVAC membership directory to TAVAC members and provide an updated copy to the Tech Liaison to post to the website. Maintain a list of current members showing classification/title, address, and telephone number.  Post candidates' application forms 30 days prior to the conference on the website.



  • Regional Reps: The Regional Representatives The duties of the Regional Representative are to maintain correspondence within the Region for communication and membership promotion. Promote as much public relations work as is feasible within the Region. Report to the Second Vice-President on public relations work completed. Perform specially assigned duties upon request of the Executive Board. Submit, to the President, proposed expenses for the fiscal year. Serves on the Scholarship Committee and submit  honorary lifetime member nominees to the Executive Board at the board meeting prior to the conference.



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