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TAVAC is dedicated to serving the needs of students with disabilities through vocational training and positive post-secondary outcomes. Our annual conference is open to ESC's, TED's TWC, Parents and Job Coaches! See you there!
TAVAC Recognition for Specialized Assignment/Program
Guidelines for TAVAC Recognition for 60 hours of in-service training.
1. Applicant must be a current member of TAVAC when applying for recognition.
2. Applicant needs to acquire a principal, personnel person, superintendent, or director to verify 60 hours of in-service in the following areas:
Job development and job analysis
Student assessment and job match
Job placement and job site training
Sustaining employment
Follow-along and transition
3. Applicant must submit a letter on school letterhead via email (address below) from a personnel person (as listed in statement #2) verifying the 60 in-service hours and include a list of in-services attended including hours of each training to the following TAVAC Board-appointed certification officer:
For more info, email:
It is recommended that you keep a copy of all documentation for your records.
The TAVAC Board is not responsible for documents lost in the mail.
4. Acceptable in-service training to qualify for the certification can be acquired by attending any related training sessions at the Education Service Centers, any school district session related to the above listed areas, and any related conferences and workshops. For example: TAVAC Summer Conference usually includes 15 - 18 hours of training, The Texas Transition Conference offers 12-15 hours.